Souce : Chef Alex Goh via mamafami
Ingredients :
200g butter
100g icing sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg
420g flour
1 tablespoon milk powder
Method :
1. Beat (A) till soft. Add in B and continue beating till well mixed.
2. Add in (C) to form a soft and smooth dough.
3. Take a bit of dough and press it onto the tart casing.
4. Poke the base with a fork. Bake for 12 minutes or till golden brown. Remove from oven and let it cool.
Note : Tart shells must be kept in an airtight container.
Source : Rinn via mamafami
Ingredients :
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons custard powder or cornflour (I used cornflour)
8 tablespoons sugar
2 cups (500ml) fresh milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons butter
Method :
1. Mix flour and custard powder/cornflour in a pot and add 2 tablespoons fresh milk. Stir to mix.
2. Add in egg and mix.
3. Add in balance of the milk.
4. Cook on low fire and stir continuously till the mixture is smooth and not lumpy.
5. Once the mixture thickens and shiny, it's ready. Remove from fire and allow to cool. Ready to use.
1. Pipe the custard into the tart shells. I used a piping bag with a star nozzle to do the trick.
2. Arrange the fruits of your choice.

Alhamdulillah anak2 suka sgt.

Kak suzi memang ibu yg baik.. selau buat anak2 suka.. nampak fruit tartlet tu sedap, nak sikit leh? Tahun depan kak suzi nak balik ye?
salam izat,
insyaAllah...doalah hubby akak habis study dia cepat2...tak sabar dah ni...
Suzi buat masak2 ni mcm 'kacang' je... mudahlah kot utk org rajin... utk org malas bg resipi yg mudah pun nmpk susah... hehe...
p/s: request sikit bole?... buat notakaki (M) pada resipi yg sesuai utk org malas (mudah & cepat)... hehehe... gurau je
sy buat cheese tart dulu jadi..pastu try nk buat egg tart plak xjadi dah..doh dia tu payah la..ekekek:D same la reseipi ni..adeii..
su dah buat dah..akak plan nak buat gak. tp asyik cancell je le. nape le malas sgt akak ni.huhu
Untungnya anak2 kak Suzi sbb dpt ibu yg pandai dan rajin memasak..
Kalau nak buat tart telur camne ekk??sama je ke??
takdelah mcm 'kacang'...sbb saya pun baru nak belajar2...bila dah terpaksa...hihihi...
blh cuba lagi...akak masak pun bkn selalu jadi elok..terutama kek huhuhu...
kak ain,
sbb blh dpt kat mana2 je...kalau saya pun mcm tu gak...
lain sikit caranya....
rajin btul la suzi buatkan makanan mcm2 utk anak2....bertuah dapat ibu mcm suzi kan....
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