Cheese Brownies...resepi ambil dr dapur Maklang. Terima kasih berkongsi resepi....saya copy-paste je....
Ingredients :
- 180 gm. Butter - melted
- 275 gm. brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 tsp. vanilla essence
- 120 gm. self-raising flour
- 70 gm. cocoa powder
Cheese filling:
- 250 gm. cream cheese
- 45 gm. butter
- 80 gm. icing sugar
- 1 egg
- Some chocolate chips to sprinkle on top - tak letak pun
- Mix melted butter with brown sugar until well combined.
- Add in eggs, one at at ime, mixing well after each addition. Stir in vanilla essence.
- Gently fold in flour and cocoa powder and stir till smooth.
- For cheese filling: beat cream cheese, butter and icing sugar until well combined. Add in egg, beating well.
- Pour half of brownie batter into loaf pan, then pour in cheese filling. Then pour the balance brownie batter on top of cheese filling. Sprinkle top with chocolate chips.
- Bake in preheated oven 170C for 40 min.s or until cooked
Salam Suzi..thanks for sharing the recipe.. Nanti nak cuba..anak-anak saya suka jugak brownies tapi selalu buat normal brownies.. Cream cheese kat Malaysia ni agak mahal sebab tu saya berfikir dua tiga kali nak try buat cheese cake. Untuk satu cheese cake, kena ada 1kg cream cheese..aduhhh.. Kalau jadi tak ape..kalau tak jadi, rugi aje..hehehe.. padanlah cheese cake mahal rupanya cream cheese tu mahal
Saya selalu buat non-baked cheese cake..Tu la ingat nak try buat yang baked punya tapi tak confident lagi..hehehe
Nanti bila sumaiyyah besar, boleh jadi chef terkenal..sebab dari kecik lagi dah diajar ke dapur..
salam suzi..
nnt nak cuba la brownies ni..selalu buat double chocolate brownies je..mcm best je..
Oooiitt...terkejut kak tie tengok sumaiyah tu...mesti kena mandi ni..adoi...kalau kak tie mesti nak sental habis2an...hi hi..
salam tirana,
tu ah cream cheese mahal dan yg murah sikit tak halal pulak...
salam diyana,
selamat mencuba..
salam kak tie'
tu ah...nak marah pun ada...selalu mcm tu.
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