Saturday, January 31, 2009

dari fa10...terima kasih.

Ni gift dr Fa10 nun di UK...tengah kesejukkan tu...maklumlah winter...
Terima kasih
Fa10, moga ukhuwwah berpanjangan....

P/s:...nak kena mengemas ni huhuhu...minggu depan Sabtu(7/1) pindah...sape2 nak tolong mehlah hihihi...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rumah sewa baru....

Alhamdulillah...tadi dpt panggilan dr agent yg rumah huby tengok dan mohon semalam dpt kat kitaorg. Ni berkat doa kawan2 semua juga...

Nilah rupa rumah sewa baru kami....
Nak baca cerita lanjut bolehlah pergi kat SINI....
Hari cuaca masih panas...lebih kurang semalam...mencecah 45 Celcius...paling panas sejak 70 thn kalau saya tak silap dengar kat berita tv...huhuhu...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aktiviti long weekend

Hari Sabtu((24/1) ada majlis akikah baby Alisya kat park....

Nilah antara yg hadir...masa kami sampai belum ramai lagi yg hadir...tapi tetap meriah terutama budak2..tak ingat makan...

Nilah juadahnya...nasi briyani berlauk ayam dan lamb BBQ dan ikan bakar cicah air asam...yummm....
Masa nak bertolak dari rumah my hubby bagi cadangan pergi beach, apalagi budak2 tu melompat. Sebab tak rancang maka tak  masak apa pun utk buat bekal...beli chips dan jus je...baju utk mandi pun main capai je....Kami ke Glenelg beach...agak jauh juga...dah lama kami tak ke sana....

Dari tempat jamuan kami singgah sembahyang asar kat masjid dan terus ke Glenelg. Tak berapa ramai org kat sana...mungkin coz cuaca yg tak berapa mandi pun kurang....sejuuuuk....

Inilah kali pertama Isa mandi laut..summer thn lepas dia masih kecil lagi...bukan main seronok dia. ..jenis berani lak tu....Mereka bertiga je yg mandi...yg lain jadi pemerhati je....hihihi...

Amboi Isa...bersantai...

Tak mandi lama pun...coz sejuk...Isa pun dah mengigil. Risau juga saya karang nak seronok lain pulak jadinya...sebelum balik sempatlah budak2 tu campak chips kat Seagull tu...

Kat sini bukan nya ada tempat salin baju mcm kat M'sia...tiang yg warna biru tulah paip tempat basuh badan...terbuka camtu je...tu yg malas nak mandi....lagipun saya ni memang tak suka mandi laut. Air terjun oklah...

balik tu kami singgah kedai pizza Fel-Fella(pizza pak Arab)... memang dah dekat ...alhamdulillah tak payah nak masak hihihi....

Ahad (25/1) pula kami pergi tengok rumah2 yg dah kami shortlistkan...byk jugalah. Tapi tengok dr luar je kalau nak tengok kat dalam kena tunggu masa inspection. Biala dah tengok tu adalah beberapa rumah yg kena buang dr list coz tak sesuai...Harap masalah rumah ni cepat selesai...Nanti akhir bulan Feb. student baru akan datang...makin ramailah cari rumah..

Isnin(26/1) ...cuti sempena Australia Day. Shopping mall dan kedai semua tutup...tak tahu nak ke mana...akhirnya beachlah tempatnya. Lagi pun hari tu hubby tak puas hati coz dia tak dapat mandi. Kali ni kitaorg pergi beach yg dekat sikit...punyalah ramai org...cari parking pun payah. Mula2 dpt parking kat satu kawasan tapi airnya keruh semacam sbb ramai sangat org pergi tempat lain...alhamdulillah ...maka mandi mandalah(kecuali saya) sepuas-puasnya...yg tak bestnya lupa bawa kamera huhuhu....

Apple Puff

Sekarang mood mencuba resepi baru mcm kurang je...mungkin dlm kepala ni duk fikir pasal rumah...buka pc pun mesti nak cari rumah dulu...harap2 cepatlah dapat rumah. Cuaca hari ni mcm semalam panas sangat2...

Apple puff tu pakai resepi inti dr ARE, resepi inti apple pie dia..thanks ARE.


Frozen puff pastry
kuning telur -sapuan

Bahan Inti (ambill resepi dr ARE..inti apple pie dia)

4 biji epal hijau [potong dadu] - saya parut kasar
100 gm gula perang
1/sk serbuk kayu manis
2 s/b tepung gandum ]
3 s/b air ] bancuh

Cara masak inti:
1. Masukkan epal dan gula perang dalam periuk dan masakkan sehingga layu.
2. Masukkan serbuk kayu manis dan kacau rata.
3. Masukkan bancuhan tepung gandum dan kcau rata.
4. Sejukkan.


Puff pastry tu saya potong 4. Ambil satu bahagian, letak inti dan lipat atau gulung. Tekan rapat bghian tepi kiri dan kanan pastry. Sapu permukaan dengan kuning telur dan bakar dlm oven pada suhu 180C sehingga kekuningan.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Persekolahan bermula....

Setelah 6 minggu bercuti, maka hari ni bermulalah sesi persekolahan utk thn 2009. Iman dah year 3 dan pindah sekolah baru...sama sekolah dgn Ismail coz dah tamat dia punya N.A.P (program utk student yg baru dtg sini yg English bukan bahasa pertama). Ismail pula start kelas Pre School (budak 5 thn) ...tak perlu ke melalui program tu coz dia dah start kindy kat sini dan Englishnya dah OK. Sumaiyyah pula masih kat kindy utk 2 kali seminggu...Harap semua nya berjalan lancar hari ni...

Cuaca pula mulai hari ni teramatlah panasnya...max 41 C utk hari ni hingga Khamis. Panas tu...angin pun panas, tak keluar rumahlah. Budak2 kat sekolah pun sure terperap kat dalam kelas je...cikgu mesti tak bagi keluar punya. Bahaya....byk kes kanser kulit kat sini...pernah ada budak melepuh kulitnya akibat terdedah lama sangat kat terik matahari....

Kami sekarang tengah cari rumah sewa baru....hari ni ada 3 buah rumah utk ditengok. Harap kami dapat rumah yg dekat dengan sekolah dan masjid serta secepat mungkin...doakan kami ye....


Resepi donat ni ambil kat dapur Hana...siap copy-paste lagi...Resepi asal dari terima kasihbuat kalian berdua coz sharing resepi ni. Buat bulat2 je malas. lagi pun cepat hihihi...

200g tepung roti 
20g gula 
1/2 sudu kecil garam 
1 sudu kecil dry yeast 
140ml susu segar 
20g butter 
minyak masak untuk menggoreng 
sugar powder 

> Masukkan tepung, gula dan garam ke dalam mangkuk. Kacau.
> Buat lubang ditengah. Masukkan susu dan dry yeast. Kacaukan sedikit. pastu mskkan butter.
> Uli sampai tk melekat.Rehatkan doh hingga naik 2 kali ganda.
> Tumbuk2kan doh. n terapkan ngan acuan donat.
> rehatkan 10 minit sblm menggoreng.
> goreng ngan api sederhana hingga masak.
> sejukkan then bleh la taburkan sugar powder.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Terima Kasih ....Happy b'day Fiza.

Selamat hari lahir buat Fiza... sudilah terima kad tak seberapa ni dari akak ye...
Terima Kasih buat kawan2 semua atas pendapat, nasihat, pandangan, doa dan sebagainya....saya amat mengahargainya. Hanya AllahSWT sahaja yg dapat membalasnya. Moga apa2 pun keputusan yg kami ambil nanti adalah yg terbaik...
Alhamdulillah mak saya dah beransur pulih....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Membuat pilihan....

Ni entry my hubby hari ni....
  1. Semalam gua meeting dengan supervisor. Meeting yang kritikal sebabnya sebelum ni kami dok prepare nak tulis untuk techical journal. Bahannya nampak macam untuk dua technical papers tapi tak decide lagi sebab masih dalam rangka. So the last week, gua prepare la dua paper tu. Satu sempat siap jadi draft lagi satu sempat jadi detailed structures. Lepas meeting sejam setengah dengan dua supervisors gua, depa decide boleh jadi 2 papers. Yeaaa... Satu tu definitely akan dihantar ke Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Ahhh... sudah...! yang pertama, supervisors gua kata ada lagi 3 journal papers kena prepare sampai gua habis nanti (Dec 2009 insyaAllah). Nampak memang best la, dapat produce banyak technical papers tapi preparation, Ya Allah!
  2. Ahhh... sudah...! yang kedua, mak mertua gua tak berapa sihat kat kampung. Orang belah wife gua dok tanya bila nak balik, bila nak balik... huhuhu...
  3. Ahhh... sudah...! yang ketiga, petang semalam gua dapat telepon dari tuan rumah. Beliau kata rumah nak kena roboh sebab nak bina rumah baru. So dia bagi masa 2 bulan untuk clear the house. (Sebenarnya tuan rumah gua ni baik, tapi maybe cara gua tulis ni nampak macam brutal... tapi sebenarnya tidak - so maafkan gua)
Gua mesorat dengan wife gua diatas ujian-ujian yang dihantar kepada kami ini. Dan kami pun more or less dah buat initial decision. Tapi kami akan bagi cooling off period untuk pikir dalam-dalam sebelum be firm on that decision... Doakan kami.

Itu sedikit gambaran keadaan kami sekarang...sedang pening membuat pilihan. Pilih yg itu...yg ini kena korbankan...Segalanya berlaku semalam Antara yg sedang kami fikir2kan...

1. Cari rumah biasanya kontrak setahun sedangkan kami nak duk hanya sampai bln 12(tak sampai 1 thn) so, bayaran muka( biasanya 1-1 1/2bln sewa) lesap mcm tu je...biasanya sewa sekarang AUD 1000 sebulan.

2. Cari rumah yg kontraknya 6 bulan je...payah nak jumpa ni...dan balik dalam bulan 8 atau 9. kalau hubby tak siap dia stay sorang2 kat sini(3-4 bln je)

3. Minta belas kasihan tuan rumah utk duk rumah ni sampai blh 4...dah cuti sekolah...dan saya n anak2 balik m'sia dulu. Hubby stay sampai habis study....

utk pilihan 2 dan 3...baiknya bila saya balik awal, boleh jaga mak yg tak berapa sihat tu dan hubby blh tumpu sepenuhnya pada study( tapi blh jadi sebaliknya kata my hubby hihihi)...tapi duk jauh dari hubby satu mujahadah besar bagi saya dan anak2... entahlah...tapi itulah 2 pilihan utama kami sekarang....
kalau kawan2 kat tempat saya macamana ek??...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kuih Lapis

Resepi Tulip77@myresipi tapi ambil kat rumah Kak Jun...sedap. Saya guna santan tin(4 cawan) air tak perlu letak. Warnanya tu ikut sukalah. Bila hubby tengok kuih lapis saya terus tanya, apasal pucat je warnanya hihihi...entahlah terlalu hati2 takut terlebih warna jadi terkurang warnalah pulak. Saya copy-paste je resepi dr rumah kak jun....terima kasih utk kalian berdua berkongsi resepi ni...

  • 1 cawan tepung beras
  • 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
  • 1 cawan gula (leh kurangkan klu x suka manis sgt)
  • 1 st garam
  • 2 paket santan serbuk
  • 1 st minyak masak
  • 3-4 titik sirap merah perasa ros atau pewarna kuning/hijau etc.
  • 4 cawan air
  1. Dalam blender, masukkan gula,santan,tepung beras,tepung gandum,minyak,garam dan 2 cawan air. Blend hingga semua bahan bersatu & tak berketul. Panaskan air dalam kukusan.
  2. Keluarkan adunan dari blender & isi dalam bekas. Tambah lagi 2 cawan air,kacau rata.
  3. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian. Letakkan satu bahagian pewarna kuning & satu lagi dgn pewarna hijau. Kacau biar warna sekata.
  4. Utk memudahkan kuih ni dikeluarkan, sapu loyang dgn sedikit minyak dan letak plastik cling. Masukkan 2 cwn adunan warna kuning & kukus selama 5 minit.
  5. Lepas 5minit,masukkan pula 1 cawan adunan warna hijau dan kukus selama 2minit. Kemudian selang seli warna hijau dan kuning hingga adunan habis.
  6. Lapis yg terakhir warna hijau dikukus selama 20minit. Bila dah masak alih keluar dari kukusan dan tunggu hingga kuih ni sejuk.
  7. Dgn hati2 tarik keluar plastik cling bersama kuih lapis tadi. Utk lebih kemas,kuih ini blh dipotong dgn benang dan setiap lapisan kuih ini blh dibuka :)
  8. * Jika guna loyang non stick, x perlu letak plastik cling, hanya sapu sekeliling dgn minyak

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nasi Impit dan Soto ayam...

Menu semalam...masak macam biasa je cuma kali ni guna perencah sup soto Mak Siti..sedap rupanya. Ni first time guna...Najwa yg dah balik M'sia tu tinggalkan hari tu...

Nilah rempahnya...hihihi...

Terima kasih....

dr kak chik , Tirana dan alia.

dr Ela

Terima kasih buat Kak Chik, Tirana, Alia n Ela coz sudi hulurkan award ni...saya suakan pula award ni buat semua kawan2 dan sesiapa saja yg sudi jengok blog saya yg tak seberapa ini....Moga ikatan ukhuwwah kita berpanjangan....

Award n tag....

Peraturan nya:-

1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

dah copy...kat atas tu...

2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda

Award ni dr Kak UMMI dan Ela....

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).

  • Paling takut ngeri tengok belon yg besar...nipis...takut pecah. Sebabnya dulu pernah main tiup belon masa sukaneka sekolah pastu pecah kena muka...terkejut ooo....
  • Binatang paling geli..cicak. Pernah tengah syok tengok tv sambil meniarap tiba2 si cicak jatuh kat atas belakang lepas tu cicak yg panik masuk dalam baju...sampai sekarang naik bulu roma bila tengok cicak. Terbayang2 saat itu...geliiiii....
  • Dalam zaman yg serba canggih ni saya adalah antara insan yang takde lesen kereta dan tak tahu pun bawa kereta. Keinginan ada tapi keyakinan takde. So, nak bergerak je harapkan my hubbylah. Tapi bila balik M'sia nanti rasa nak beranikan diri belajar dan ambil lesen...anak2 dah sekolah...jadi keperluanlah kot...
  • Kerja rumah yg paling 'bercinta' nak buat...lipat dan iron kainbaju... huhuhu....Kat sini kurang sikit kerja ni coz hubby gi Uni pun pakai t-shirt je...kadang je pakai kemeja. Iman pun sama...baju sekolah dia bkn mcm kat M"sia. Uniformnya t-shirt je.
  • Saya ni kidal orgnya. Kebykkan kerja buat pakai tgn kiri. Tapi makan tangan kananlah. Sebab dulu kecil2 selalu kena marah dgn mak kalau makan tgn kiri.
  • Saya ni juga susah makan ubat...terutama kalau jenis air. ..lagi2 ubat batuk. Sebab tu kalau gi klinik selalu minta ubat pil je. Dulu kecil2 mak selalu tunggu time saya makan ubat kalau tak tak makanlan. Sekarang hubbylah pulak kena tunggu...hehehe....
  • Saya tak boleh tidur dlm keadaan gelap gelita. Rasa lemas. Berlawanan dgn my hubby. Tapi dia terpaksa mengalah coz anak2 semua ikut jejak saya...
  • Tak berapa suka laut...rasanya saya ni jenis mabuk laut...
  • Jenis org yang senang merajuk juga tapi jarang tunjuk...kecuali kat hubby coz nak dipujuk hihihi...
  • Dulu jenis org yg malas nak masak2 ni tapi sekarang bila dah terpaksa...jadi seronok pula masak...hihihi...

4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.

Tak nak panjangkan pada sape2 dah sbb dah ramai yg buat tag ni hihihi...

.5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah di tag menerima award ini.

Harap Kak UMMI dan Ela berpuas hati ye walau tak memenuhi semua syarat....

# pernah jawab dulu so saya copy paste je yg dulu hihihi...acilah ye...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sweet Sticky Manggo Rice

Permintaan dr my hubby...dah lama dah buat ni...ubah suai resepi dr majalah...

  • 1 cawan beras pulut
  • air secukupnya
  • 1/2 cawan gula
  • 1 cawan santan
  • buah mangga - hiris nipis
  1. Masak pulut seperti biasa. Bila dah mengelegak kecilkan api dan masukkan santan dan gula. Masak sehingga tanak.
  2. Setelah masak...ceduk dan makan bersama mangga dan santan ( santan ni panaskan sekejap dan letakkan sedikit garam...)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Makizushi (sushi gulung)

Semalam masa pi shopping mall utk beli brg2 sekolah anak dan brg2 harian...melalui beberapa kedai sushi...wah teringin lah pulak so,belilah bahan2nya...dapatlah buat petang semalam. Ambil resepi dr dptlah makan sushi semalam...hihihi.
Terima kasih kpd tuan punya resepi coz berkongsi resepi...saya ubah sikit je isi sushi tu, ganti udang dgn tuna dan guna cuka bisa je. Taklah susah nak membuatnya cuma time mengulung tu ....mencabarlah juga...

Bahan-bahan ( 5 orang )

  • 1/2 kg beras jepun
  • cuka (utk sushi)
  • 3 biji telur
  • 1 batang timun
  • lettuce
  • tuna
  • 5 helai seaweed
  • mayonis
  • bamboo mat
  • note: isi dalam boleh diganti dgn udang, ikan salmon dll mengikut citarasa masing2.


  1. Masak beras jepun seperti masak nasi biasa.
  2. Bila dah masak, masukkan nasi ke dalam bekas besar dan tuangkan cuka sushi ke atas nasidan kalau rata. Biarkan nasi sejuk..
  3. Telur dipukul sekejap dgn sudu dan goreng dgn sedikit minyak(telur dadar) dan potong panjang2.
  4. Timun dipotong memanjang. Lettuce dipotong besar2.
  5. Ambil sehelai seaweed, letakkan di atas bamboo mat. Senduk nasi dan ratakan nasi ke semua bahagian seaweed tersebut.
  6. Kemudian letakkan sehelai lettuce diatas nasi, telur, timun, dan tuna serta m ayonis.
  7. Gulung padat2 dan potong sebelum dihidang.

Note: Siapa yg takde cuka jepun boleh modify cuka biasa. sukatan nyer ialah, 1 1/2 sudu besar cuka + 1 sudu besar gula + 1/2 sudu kecil garam. didihkan sekejap hingga gula hancur, sejukkan dan gaul dgn nasi sushi.. oleh junjs11.

Kena tanya Hana dan Are...blh pass tak sushi ni??...hihihi

Tag dr Kak Chik

Tag dr Kak Chik ni dah agak lama juga....sori ye kak chik... :)

Do you think that you are hot..??

Upload a pic of you

Why do u you like this picture?

Sebab dalam gambar tu satu famili semuanya muka ceria je...lagipun kami ni payah sikit nak bergambar satu famili...

When was the last time you eat pizza?
beberapa minggu yg pak arab hubby beli coz dah lama tak beli pizza. Selalu buat sendiri je...hihihi...

The last song you listen to?
tak pasti...dah lama tak dengar lagu ( betul2 duk dan dengar....)

What are you doing rite now beside doing this..
Melayan anak2...

What name you prefer besides yours?

People to tagged


Siti Khuzaimah




Who is no. 1 ?

Org yg kreatif dalam bab jahit menjahit...byk tahu tentang baby carrier. Dah buka kedai online pun...Big Eyes Shop

Who is no. 3?

Antara yg awal saya kenali....duk kat New Zealand. Minat cucuk tanam ni...cuba tengok kebunnya....hihihi....

Say somethin about no. 5

Baru je kenal...duk kat Qatar...harap dapat lebih mengenalinya...

How about no.4?

Wakil dr Dubai...seronok baca kisah2 percutiannya...hihihi...

Who is no. 2?

Juga antara yg paling awal jadi kawan cyber saya...dah jadi surirumah sepenuh masa...mengikut hubbynya yg bertugas di Perth...

Selamat Pulang Ke Tanahair.....

Semalam sahabat saya najwa dan anak2nya dah selamat pulang ke tanahair. Kami berkesempatan menghantar mereka kat airport. Bagus juga bila menghantar kawan2 mcm ni...ambil pengalaman, boleh jadi panduan bila nak balik nanti...Terbayang mcmana nanti bila nak balik...tentu penat dan byk benda nak kena buat. Kemas brg...nak kena bersihkan rumah yg nak ditinggalkan tu...huhuhu. Bg najwa kira ok sikit sbb hubbynya masih di sini so,tak payahlah kalut nak bersih rumah....
Anak2 najwa kawan baik dgn iman n ismail... tengoklah gelagat diaorg kat airport sblm mereka berangkat...

Ismail tak lepas peluang nak bergambar dgn udin...
yg bestnya bila udin dah balik dia pun dah ubah fikiran nak juga balik m'sia. kalau dulu sebut je nak balik m'sia dia terus nangsi n marah sbb tak nak balik...

3 sekawan....bilalah lagi dapat jumpa lagi ye???...

"bye...bye...udin n ajan...jgn lupa kitaorg ye..."

Untuk najwa...selamat meneruskan rutin harian kat m'sia semula...harap kita jumpa lagi nanti...nice knowing u....ingat2lah org kat sini ye....

Sticky Caramel Chicken Wings

Resepi dr dapur Ela kat Doha....saya copy-paste je ...thanks Ela berkongsi resepi yg sedap ini.

  • 12 keping kepak ayam (belah dua jadi 24)
  • 2 sudu besar minyak masak
  • 3 ulas bawang putih - diketuk dengan kulitnya sekali (tak perlu kupas)
  • 1 sudu besar halia dicincang
  • 1 sudu besar sos ikan
  • 1 sudu besar kicap
  • 1 sudu besar sos cili- saya guna sos cili manis
  • 1/4 cawan (60ml) madu


  1. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Masukkan bawang putih, halia dan chicken wings, kacau dan goreng selama 5 minit.
  2. Masukkan semua sos dan madu, kacau sekejap, kemudian tutup kuali. Kacau sekali-sekala selama 15 minit atau sehingga semua wings masak dan browned (bersalut dengan sos).

NOTA : Bila dah masuk madu, sos akan berbuih. Jangan takut bila tengok sos macam hangit towards the end. Bila sos dah agak kering dan bersalut pada wings ia akan jadi sticky dan caramelized macam barbecue chicken. Sedap sangat!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hahahaha...nilah hasilnya bila org tak pandai hias kek, menghias kek. Saya buat utk b'day my hubby semalam...tapi takpelah...janji isinya sedap ye tak(sedapkan hati...). Tak raikan beria pun...cuma buat kek ni dan masak nasi karot bersama ayam bakar mayonis dan kentang goreng. Jemput najwa n famili yg kebetulan dah nak balik m'sia sabtu ni...tak teringat ambil gambar pun masa mkn2...hihihi...asyik berborak je..
Kek coklat lembab tu ambil resepi kat dapur Kak Rinnchan...saya copy -paste je...terima kasih Kak Rinn berkongsi resepi ni...

Sumber :

Bahan-bahan :
  • 250gm mentega
  • 1 1/2 cawan gula castor
  • 2 cawan tepung kek (or tepung naik sendiri)
  • 1/2 cawan serbuk koko
  • 1 cawan susu cair
  • 1/2 cawan air sejuk (dari petiais)
  • 1 camca teh esen vanilla
  • 3 biji telur gred A atau 4 biji telur gred B

1. Ayak tepung dan serbuk koko. Ketepikan.
2. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang.
3. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji, anggaran 30 saat antara setiap satunya.
Pukul sederhana laju.
4. Perlahankan pukulan, masukkan tepung diselang-selikan dengan susu cair.
5. Masukkan esen vanilla.
6. Masukkan air ais dan gaul sekadar sebati.
7. Tuang dalam loyang 9in x 9in yang telah digris dan dilapik dasarnya.
8. Bakar pada suhu 170 darj cels selama 1 jam atau sehingga masak.


  • 250 gm cooking chocolate
  • 3 sudu besar susu cair
  • 2 sudu besar susu pekat
  • 1 sudu besar margerin atau butter.


1. Larutkan susu pekat ke dalam susu cair.
2. Masukkan cooking chocolate dan cairkan menggunakan double boiler.
3. Apabila chocolate menjadi cair, masukkan margerin atau mentega dan kacau hingga sebati.
4. Tuang di atas kek yang telah sejuk dan ratakan.

Double choco doughnut

Kuih pagi semalam....resepi dr Senang nak buat dan anak2 suka...tq yani berkongsi resepi ini...

Bahan-bahan ( +- 20 biji )

  • 1 biji telur
  • 50g gula halus
  • 4 sudu besar susu segar
  • 80g tepung naik sendiri atau (80g tepung gandum + 1sk baking powder)
  • 30g serbuk koko
  • 50g coklat masakan(white chocolate or milk chocolate)
  • minyak secukupnya
  • kelapa kering secukupnya.- saya guna milo n rainbow sprinkles


  1. Ayak tepung dan serbuk koko.
  2. Kemudian masukkan susu, telur dan gula ke dalam no.1 tadi. Kacau sehingga sebati.
  3. Panaskan minyak. Bila minyak dah panas, ceduk adunan tadi dengan sudu kecil dan masukkan ke dalam minyak panas. (kalau nak senang guna 2 btg sudu - lebih kurang macam buat jemput2lah).
  4. Gorenglah sehingga masak.
  5. Cairkan coklat masakan dengan kaedah double boiler. Bila coklat dah cair. Padamkan api. Masukkan donut yg dah siap digoreng tadi. Gaul sehingga rata. Kemudian cover pulak dengan kelapa kering.(ganti milo n rainbow sprinkles)
  6. Siap utk dihidang.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kuih Seri Muka/Puteri Salat

Untuk minum petang semalam....memenuhi permintaan Iman yg dah berhari2 minta masakkan kuih ni...Ambil resepi dr dapur Noreen kat UK nun...tq Noreen...minta izin copy paste ye. Saya hanya buat 1/2 dr resepi asal.

Bahan-bahan (size loyang 22cm / 3''):
Bahan lapisan bawah:
500gm beras pulut
400ml santan cair
1 camt garam
2 camb minyak

Bahan2 lapisan atas:
120gm tepung gandum
3 camb tepung jagung
140gm gula pasir
3 biji telur
450ml santan pekat
1/2 camt garam
300ml air + 10 helai daun pandan dikisar utk dijadikan air pandan (bagi yg tak mudah nak dptkan daun pandan boleh digantikan dgn 1 camt pandan paste)

  1. untuk lapisan bawah: sediakan kukusan terlebih dahulu. Biarkan air mendidih
  2. bersihkan beras pulut dan direndam selama 10-20min. toskan beras pulut
  3. Satukan semua bahan2 didalam loyang dan dikacau sedikit agar minyak dapat diratakan
  4. kukus diatas kukusan yg telah sedia mendidih selama 20-30min
  5. keluarkan loyang dari kukusan dan ratakan permukaan pulut tadi
  6. siap untuk dilapis dgn lapisan atas
  7. untuk lapisan atas: pukul gula bersama telur hingga kembang dengan menggunakan whisker
  8. masukkan santan yang telah dilarutkan bersama garam
  9. diikuti dengan air pandan dan dipukul lagi sehingga rata
  10. akhir sekali ayakkan tepung gandum dan tepung jagung ke dalam adunan tadi
  11. kacau adunan supaya tidak berbentil
  12. kemudian tapiskan adunan ke dalam loyang yang berisi pulut tadi
  13. dan kukus dengan api yang sederhana selama 45 min atau 1 jam
  14. pastikan tudung kukus dilapik dengan kain atau dengan aluminium foil supaya air tidak menitik ke atas lapisan atas
  15. setelah masak biarkan kuih betul2 sejuk barulah dipotong dan dihidangkan

Happy Birthday.

Selamat Hari Lahir buat my hubby tersayang...
dah 34 thn abg ye...hihihi...

  • dikurniakan Allah SWT kesihatan yg baik....
  • dipermudahkan Allah SWT dalam segala urusan ...
  • dpt meningkat khidmat dan korban utk agama...agar jadi sumber hidayah buat keluarga kita dan umat seluruh alam...
  • study rajin2 ...tak sabar nak balik ni hihihi.... myspace graphic comments

Ikhlas dari....
ur wife dan anak2 (Iman, Ismail, Sumaiyyah n Isa)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Roti Pita

Ni dinner semalam....ambil resepi dr Terima kasih berkongsi resepi...minta maaf ye...copy-paste terus...

Bahan-bahan ( 8 biji )

  • 200g tepung roti
  • 50g tepung gandum
  • 150g air
  • 5g gula
  • 5g garam
  • 15g olive oil/minyak masak
  • 2.5g dry yeast


  1. Masukkan semua bahan-bahan ke dalam bread maker. On kan.. tunggu siap.
  2. Keluarkan dari breadmaker. Tumbuk-tumbuk untuk keluarkan angin. Bahagikan adunan kepada 8. Buat bentuk bulat. Rehatkan selama 10 minit.
  3. Letakkan sedikit tepung di atas papan pencanai. Ambik satu adunan tadi. Canaikan biar jadi leper.. saiznya lebih kurang 13cm.
  4. Bila nampak dah naik sikit. Boleh bakar dalam oven pada suhu 230 degree selama 4 minit
  5. *** Kalau uli dengan tangan. Guna air suam atau 40C. Adunan ni lembik sket.. jangan tambah tepung. Bila dah siap uli.. penaikkan sehingga 2 kali ganda. Lepas tu bolehlah ikut cara no.2 dan seterusnya.


Suka kuih ni...dulu2 kalau balik Trg selalu beli kat gerai tepi jln kat sempadan Kelatan - Trg tu...kalau kat Ipoh selalu beli kat Greentown Mall. Resepi ni ambil dr dapur are...resepi asal dr zaliana@my resipi...tq berkongsi resepi...Saya copy-paste dr dapur are je...buat separuh adunan je....


  • 10 biji telur
  • 300gm gula melaka
  • 200ml air
  • 400ml santan-1 tin
  • 2 helai daun pandan
  • 1/2 sk garam
  • 60gm tepung gandum


* masak gula melaka dalam air hingga larut. masukkan sekali daun pandan yg dicarik2.
* tutup api. biarkan suam. masukkan santan & bahan lain. kacau sebati. tapis.
* panaskan acuan akok/ muffin tray. dalam oven 210 degC. letak lapisan paling atas dlm oven. masukkan sedikit minyak dlm acuan. biarkan minyak panas.
* tuangkan bancuhan akok setinggi 1".
* kuih akan mengembang. bila di sejuk akan kecut balik. sejukkan

Selamat Hari Lahir Buat Cikgu Azza...

Happy B'day to u azza....dah 33 thn ye...kita ni seangkatanlah kiranya....
Semoga hidup azza dan suami tersayang sentiasa dalam rahmat Allah SWT. Moga2 akan bertambah 'ahli' nanti...amin.

Terimalah b'day wishes yg tak seberapa ni buat azza.... myspace graphic comments myspace graphic comments

Monday, January 12, 2009

100 Established Authentic Sunan!

1. Sleeping on Wudu The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam told al-Baraa` bin ‘Aazib, radiallahu ‘anh, If you go to your bed, then do your wudoo` (ablution) as you would do it for prayer, then lie on your right” [Agreed upon, No. 6311.]

2. Reading Surat al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Nas before sleeping: From ‘Aishah radiallahu ‘anha, the Messenger, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam used to recite “Qul huwallahu ahad”, “Qul a’oothu birrabilfalaq” and “Qul a’oothu birrabinnaas” every night when he went to sleep, then wiped his face and whatever he was able from his body, beginning with his head and face, and what faces him from his body, three times”. [al-Bukhari: 5017]

3. Doing takbeer and tasbeeh when going to sleep: ‘Ali, radiallahu ‘anh narrates that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam said when Fatimah asked him for a servant, “Shall I not lead you to that which is better for you than a servant? If you go to your mattresses, or rest to sleep, then say Allahu Akbar thirty-four times, and say subhan Allah thirty-three times, and say alhamdulilah thirty-three times, for they are better for you than having a servant” [Agreed upon: 6318 & 6915]

4. Supplicating when awoken from sleep: ‘Ubadah bin as-Saamit, radiallahu ‘anh narrates that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam said: “Anyone awoken in the night and says: Laa ilaha illa Allah, wahdatu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul hamd, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay`in qadeer, alhamdulilah was-subhaan Allah, wallahu akbar, wa laa hawla wa laa quwata illa billah, then said, Allahumma aghfirli or invoked Allah, he will be answered, and if he does ablution and prays, his prayer will be accepted” [al-Bukhari 6313]

5. Supplicating once awake with the following supplication: Alhamdulilah alathee ahyaanaa ba’da maa amatana, wa ilayhin-nushoor (Praise be to Allah Who granted us life after death, and to Him we will be ressurected) [al-Bukhari, 6312, from Huthayfah bin al-Yamaan, radiallahu 'anh]

6. Rinse water and sniff in one go: ‘Abdullah bin Zayd, radiallahu ‘anh narrates that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam said: “Rinse water in your mouth, and sniff it with one hand (in one go” [Muslim:555]

7. Ablution before Ghusl: ‘Aishah, radiallahu ‘anha narrates that the Prophet of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam: “Used to, if he wishes to wash from janaabah (complete impurity), began by washing his hands, then would do ablution as he would for salah, then he would enter his fingers into the water, and would touch the roots of his hair with it, then would pour (water) over his head with his palms, and then would let water cover his entire body” [al-Bukhari: 248]

8. Tashahhud after ablution: ‘Umar bin al-Khattaab, radiallahu ‘anh said: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam said: “None of you perfects his ablution, then says: Ashhadu al-Laa ilaha illa Allah, wa anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu warasooluh, except that the eight gates of paradise open for him, and for him is to enter it from wherever he wants” [Muslim: 553]

9. Being economical with water: Anas, radiallahu ‘anh said: “The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam used to wash with a saa’* to five amdaad, and would do ablution with a mudd“ [Agreed upon: 201 & 737] (*): A saa’ is equivalent to four mudds. A mudd is a handful using two hands cupped together, of an average-sized man

10. Two rak’ah prayer after ablution: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa salam said: “Whosoever performs ablution like that of mine, then prays two rak’ah without having any other concern on his mind, all of his past sins will be forgiven.” [Agreed upon: 159 & 539]

11. Repeating the words of the adhan after the mu’adhdhin then supplicating for the Prophet : It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr that he heard the Prophet say: “When you hear the mu’adhdhin (caller to prayer) make the adhaan, then say what he says, and then supplicate for me, for whoever supplicates for me once, then Allah will do so for him ten times.” [Muslim : 849]*N.B. The dua to be made after the adhan is:
‘O Allah, Owner of this perfect call and Owner of this prayer to be performed, bestow upon Muhammad al-waseelah and al-fadeelah and send him upon a praised platform which You have promised him. Verily, You never fail in Your promise.’

12. Frequent use of the siwaak (tooth stick): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “If it weren’t for causing difficulty for my nation, I would have ordered the use of the siwaak at every prayer” [Agreed upon : 887/ 589] Just as it is from the Sunnah to use the siwaak when waking up, at wudu` (ritual ablutions), when the smell of one’s mouth changes, when about to read the Quran and when entering one’s house.

13. Going early to the Masjid: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “Were the people to know [the reward] of going to the masjid early, they would race for it…” [Agreed upon 981/615]

14. Walking to the masjid: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said:“Shall I direct you to that by which Allah erases [peoples'] sins and raises them in rank?” The people replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” He said: “Performing the ablution thoroughly despite odds, frequently walking to the masjid, and waiting for the prayers from one to the next, and this is a Ribat [1] for you.” [Muslim: 587][1] Ribat: Guarding the frontlines of the Muslims, the reward for which is very great. So in this context, the Prophet is saying that the reward for these things is very great.

15. Going to the prayer with dignity and tranquility: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “When the Iqama is pronounced for prayer, do not go to it running but go walking with [calmness and] tranquillity. Pray however much [of the prayer] you are in time for, and make up whatever you miss.” [Agreed Upon: 1359-908]

16. Making du’a’ upon entering and leaving the masjid: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Humayd al-Saa’idee and Abu Usayd that the Prophet said: “When any of you enters the masjid, he should say, ‘O Allah, open the gates of Your Mercy for me,’ اللهُمَّ اِفْتَحْ لِي أَبْوابَ رَحْمَتِكَ and when he leaves he should say, ‘O Allah, I ask you from Your Favour. اللهُمَّ إِنّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِِنْ فَضْلِك‘“ [Muslim : 1952]

17. Praying behind a sutra [barrier]: It is narrated on the authority of Musa ibn Talhah on the authority of his father who said: the Prophet said: “If any of you places something in front of him, [at least] equal [in height] to the back of a saddle, he should pray without caring who passes [in front of him] on the other side of it.” [Muslim:1111] Note: A sutrah can be anything a person puts in front of himself while he is praying, such as a wall, or a long stick, and the such.The back of a saddle is approximately two thirds of a cubit in height [so the sutrah should be at least the same length].

18. Sitting in al-iq’aa’ between the two prostrations: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubayr that he heard Tawus say: We asked Ibn ‘Abbas about al-iq’aa’ [1]. He said: “It is sunnah.” We said to him: “We find it hard upon the feet.” Ibn ‘Abbas said: “It is the sunnah of your Prophet .“ [Muslim: 1198] [1] al-iq’aa’ is to prop up the two feet and sit on the heels. It is done when sitting between two sajdahs (prostrations).

19. Sitting in the tawarruk [1] position in the second tashahhud: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Humayd al-Sa’di who said: “When the Prophet sat in the last rak’ah he would push his left foot forward, prop up his right foot, and sit on his buttock.” [al-Bukhari:828] [1] al-tawarruk is to rest the body, while sitting, on the left thigh; put the the left foot under the right leg, while setting the right foot upright; and support the body by grasping the left knee with the left hand.

20. Making lots of supplication before ending the prayer with ‘as-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullah’: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Umar who said: “We used to when we were with the Prophet …he said, ‘Then let him be free to choose whatever supplication impresses him and supplicate with it.’” [al-Bukhari:835]

21. Performing the Sunan and regular non-obligatory prayers (rawaatib): It is narrated on the authority of Umm Habeeba that she said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say ‘There is no Muslim slave who prays twelve units of voluntary prayer besides the obligatory ones to Allah every day except that Allah builds for him a house in paradise‘” [Muslim:835] They are: two before fajr (dawn) prayers; four before zuhr (afternoon) prayers and two afterwards; two after maghrib (evening) prayer and two after ishaa` (night) prayers.

22. The Forenoon Prayer (Salaat al-Duhaa): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that the Prophet said “Every morning charity is due for every one of your joints: every tasbeeh (i.e. saying subhanallah) is charity; every tahmeed (i.e. saying al-hamdu-lillah) is charity; every tahleel (i.e. saying laa ilaaha illallah) is charity; every takbeer (i.e. saying Allahu akbar) is charity; every act of enjoining good is charity and every act of prohibiting evil is charity; and doing two units of prayer in the forenoon suffices all that.” [Muslim:1671]

23. The Night Prayer (Qiyam al-layl): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah was asked what the best prayer is after the obligatory ones. He said: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the middle of the night.” [Muslim: 2756]

24. The Witr (’odd’) Prayer: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet said: “Make your last prayer at night an odd number” [Muslim: 998-1755]

25. Praying in shoes when pure: Anas ibn Maalik was asked, “Did the Prophet pray in his shoes? He said, “Yes.” [al-Bukhari: 386]

26. Praying in Masjid al-Qubaa`: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet used to go to Qubaa` riding and and by foot. Ibn Numayr* added: ‘Ubaydullaah narrated to us on the authority of Naafi’, “And he prayed two units of prayer there” [Agreed upon: 1194-3390]

27. Performing voluntary prayers in one’s house: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir that he said the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you has finished the prayer in his mosque, let him make a portion of his prayers for his home, as Allah will certainly put goodness in his home from his prayer.” [Muslim: 1822]

28. Prayer for divine guidance (Istikhaara): It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir bin ‘Abd-Allah that he said the Messenger of Allah used to teach us istikhaara like he used to teach us a chapter from the Quran” [Bukhari: 1162]

29. Sitting in prayer area after dawn prayers (fajr) until the sun rises: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir bin Samra that he said the Prophet used to sit in his prayer area when he prayed fajr until the sun had rose well [Muslim: 1526]

30. Bathing on the day of Jumuah: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar that he said the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you comes to Jumuah, let him have a bath.” [Agreed upon: 1951 & 977]

31. Going early to Jumuah prayer: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra that he said the Messenger of Allah said: “When Friday comes, at each door of the mosque there are angels who write down the first ones to come to the mosque. The one who comes early is like who sacrificed a camel, then those who come after him are like one who sacrificed a cow, then one who sacrificed a horned ram, then one who sacrificed a chicken, then like one who offered an egg. Then when the imaam sits down they close their books and come to listen to the sermon.” [Agreed upon: 929 & 1964]

32. Seeking the hour of having one’s prayer answered on Jumuah day: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the day of Jumuah was mentioned and the Messenger of Allah said: “On this day there is a time when no Muslim stands and prays, asking Allah for something, but Allah will grant him it” – and he gestured with his hands to indicate how short that time is. [Agreed upon: 935 & 1969]

33. Going to the Eed prayer by one path and returning by another: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir that he said: “The Messenger of Allah on Eed day used to differ paths” [al-Bukhari: 986]

34. Funeral prayers (janaaza): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever attends a funeral until the prayer is offered has a qiraat, and whoever attends it until it is buried will have two qiraats.” It was asked: “What are the two qiraats?” He said, “Like two mountains.” [Muslim 2189]

35. Visiting graveyards: It is narrated on the authority of Buraydah who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “I used to prohibit you from visiting graves, so visit them now…” [Muslim 2260]

36. Pre-dawn meal (suhoor): It is narrated on the authority of Anas who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Have the pre-dawn meal. Verily in the pre-dawn meal is blessing” [Agreed upon: 2549 & 1923]

37. Hastening the breaking of the fast when the sun has set: It is narrated on the authority of Sahl bin Sa’d who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “The people will continue to be fine so long as they hasten to break the fast.” [Agreed upon: 2554 & 1957]

38. Standing for night prayer during Ramadan: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever watches the night in prayer in Ramadan with faith and expectancy, will be forgiven all his previous wrong actions.” [Agreed upon: 1779 & 37]

39. Staying in `itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar who said: The Messenger of Allah used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. [Bukhari: 2025]

40. Fasting for six days in the month of Shawwal: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Ayub al-Ansari who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “He that observed fasting in Ramadan then he follows it with six days of Shawwal, this is equal to the fasting of the whole life.” [Bukhari: 2758]

41. Observing fast for three days every month: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: My friend (the Messenger of Allah ) directed me to observe fast for three days in every month, to perform two Rak`ah (optional) Duha prayer at forenoon and to perform the Witr prayer before going to bed. [Agreed upon: 1672 & 1178]

42. Observing fast on the day of Arafah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Qatadah who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Fasting on the day of ‘Arafah is an expiation for two years, the year preceding it and the year following it.” [Muslim: 3746]

43. Observing fast on the day of Ashurah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Qatadah who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Fasting the day of ‘Ashurah is an expiation for the year preceding it.” [Muslim: 3746]

44. Appointing a leader when travelling: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed and Abu Hurayrah who said that the Messenger of Allah said: “When three men travel together, they should make one of them their leader.” [Abu Dawood: 2608]

45. Saying ‘Allahu akbar’ (Allah is Great) when ascending and saying ‘Subhaanallah’ (Glory be to Allah) when descending: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir who said: “We used to say Allahu akbar when we ascended and we said subhanallah when descending” [Bukhari 2994]

46. Supplication for stopover: It is narrated on the authority of Khawlah bint Hakeem who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever stops over somewhere and says, ‘I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He created,’ nothing will harm him until he sets off from that stopover of his.”[Muslim: 6878]

47. Stopping first at the mosque when returning from a journey: It is narrated on the authority of Ka’b bin Maalik who said that the Prophet used to stop first at the mosque and pray there when he returned from a journey.[Agreed upon: 443 & 1659]

48. Supplication upon wearing new clothes: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Saeed al-Khudree who said that when the Messenger of Allah used to wear new clothing, he would name it by its name either qamees (shirt) or ‘imamah (turban) then say: “O Allah for you is praise! You clothed me it and I ask you for its good and the for what it was made for. And I seek refuge in you from its evil and the evil of what it has been created for” [Abu Dawood: 4020]

49. Starting wearing the shoe with the right: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah who said that when the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you puts on shoes, let him begin with the right. And when he takes it off, let him begin with the left. And let him put them both on or let him take them off both.” [Agreed upon: 5495 & 5855]

50. Saying ‘bismillah’ at the start of eating: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Salamah I was in the room of the Messenger of Allah and my hand was flying around the plate. So he said to me: “O young man, mention the name of Allah, eat with your right and eat what is nearest to you.” [Agreed upon: 5376 & 5269]

51. Praising Allah after eating and drinking: It is narrated on the authority of Anas bin Maalik who said the Messenger of Allah said: “Indeed Allah is pleased with the slave who eats food and then praises Him for it or drinks a drink and then praises Him for it.” [Muslim 6932]

52. Sitting when drinking: It is narrated on the authority of Anas who said the Prophet prohibited a man drinking whilst standing. [Muslim 5275]

53. Rinsing one’s mouth after consuming milk: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah drank milk and then rinsed his mouth. He said: “It contains fat.” [Agreed upon 5609 & 798]

54. Not criticising food: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said the Messenger of Allah did not ever criticise food. If he liked it, he ate it and if he disliked it, he left it. [Agreed upon 5380 & 5409]

55. Eating with three fingers: It is narrated on the authority of Ka’b bin Maalik that the Messenger of Allah used to eat with three fingers and lick his hand before wiping it. [Muslim 5297]

56. Drinking Zamzam water and using it as a cure: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that he said the Messenger of Allah said about Zamzam water: “It is blessed and a food that nourishes” al-Tayaalisee adds, “And a cure for sickness.” [Muslim 6359]

57. Eating on Eed al-Fitr before going to the prayer area: It is narrated on the authority of Anas bin Maalik that he said the Messenger of Allah did not proceed on the day of al-Fitr until he had eaten some dates. And in another narration: He used to eat an odd number. [al-Bukhari: 953]

58. Reading the Quran frequently: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Amaama al-Baahileewho said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Read the Quran, as it will come on the day of resurrection as an intercessor for its devotees.” [Muslim: 1874]

59. Beautifying one’s voice in the recitation of the Quran: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Allah does not listen to a prophet as He listens to a prophet who recites the Qur’an in a loud and pleasant tone.” [Agreed upon: 5024 & 1847]

60. Always remembering Allah: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Aa`ishah that she said the Messenger of Allah would remember Allah at all times. [Muslim: 826]

61. Glorification: It is narrated on the authority of Juwayriyya that the Messenger of Allah left her company one morning when he had prayed the dawn prayers and she was in the mosque. Then he returned after the sun had risen whilst she was still sitting, and said: “Have you been like this since I left you?” She said, “Yes.” The Prophet said, “I have said four utterances after you three times that should they be weighed with what you have said since daytime they would outweigh them: ‘How perfect Allah is and I praise Him by the number of His creation and His pleasure, and by the weight of His throne, and the ink of His words.’” [Muslim: 2726]

62. Responding to the one who sneezes: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “When one of you sneezes, let him say, al-hamdu-lillah (’All praise be to Allah’). And let his brother or companions say to him, yarhamukallah (’May Allah have mercy upon you’), and if he says, yarhamukallah, let him say, yahdikumullahu wa yuslihu baalakum (’May Allah guide you and straighten your affairs’).” [al-Bukhari: 6224]

63. Praying for the ill: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Messenger of Allah entered upon a man he was visiting, and said: “laa ba`s tuhoor in shaa` Allah (’No harm, purification if Allah wills’)” [al-Bukhari: 5662]

64. Putting one’s hand on a painful area and the supplication: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Uthmaan bin Abee al-’Aas that he complained about some pain to the Messenger of Allah that he found in his body since becoming Muslim. He said to him: “Put your hand on the part of your body that hurts and say: bismillah three times and then say seven times: `a’oodhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa uhadhir. ” [Muslim: 5737]

65. Supplications when hearing the cock crow and seeking refuge with Allah on hearing the donkey bray: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “When you hear the cock crow ask from Allah’s grace as it has seen an angel and when you hear the donkey bray seek refuge in Allah from the devil as it has seen a devil. ” [Agreed upon: 6920 - 3303]

66. Supplication during rainfall: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Aa`ishah that when the Messenger of Allah saw rain he would say: “Allaahumma sayyiban naafi’an. (O Allah make it a beneficial rain cloudl).” [al-Bukhari: 1032]

67. Remembering Allah when entering the house: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir bin ‘Abd Allaah that he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “When a man enters his house and remembers Allah - the Honourable and Majestic - with his entering and eating, Satan says, ‘No place to sleep and no supper for you.’ And when man enters and does not remember Allah with his entrance, Satan says, ‘You’ve found your place to sleep.’ If he doesn’t remember Allah when eating, he says, ‘You’ve found somewhere to sleep and have supper.’” [Muslim: 5362]

68. Remembering Allah in gatherings: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that when the Prophet said: “People do not sit in a gathering that doesn’t remember Allah or send benedictions upon their prophet except that there is sorrow upon them. If Allah wills He will punish them, and if He wills He wil forgive them.” [al-Tirmidhi: 3380]

69. Supplication for entering the toilet: It is narrated on the authority of Anas bin Maalik that he said: When the Prophet would enter where he answer the call of nature he would say: “Allahumma innee a’oodhu bika min al-khubthi wal-khabaa`ith (O Allah I seek refuge in You from the male and female devils).” [Agreed upon: 6322 - 831]

70. Supplication for strong winds: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Aa`ishah that the Prophet would say when it got very windy: “Allahumma innee as`aluka khayrahaa wa khayra maa feehaa wa khayra maa ursilat bihi wa a’oodhu bika min sharrihaa wa sharri maa feehaa wa sharri maa ursilat bih (O Allah I ask you for its good and whatever good is in it and any good sent by it, and I seek refuge in you from its evil and whatever evil is in it and any evil sent by it).” [Muslim 2085]

71. Praying for Muslims in their absence: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dardaa` that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever prays for his brother in his absence, the appointed angel for him says, ‘Ameen and for you something similar.’” [Muslim 6928]

72. Supplication for calamities: It is narrated on the authority of Umm Salamah that she said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “There is no Muslim struck with a calamity and says what Allah has commanded, innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon. Allahumma`jurnee fee museebatee wa akhlif lee khayran minhaa (To Allah we belong, and to Him we return. O Allah reward me for my calamity and give me something better than it) except that Allah will replace it with something better.” [Muslim 2126]

73. Spreading Islamic salutations: It is narrated on the authority of al-Baraa` bin ‘Aazib that he said: The Prophet ordered us with seven things [and at the end of them] he ordered us to visit the sick…and spread Islamic salutations. [Agreed upon: 5388 - 5175]

74. Seeking knowledge: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Whosoever treads a path seeking knowledge on it, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise” [Muslim: 6853]

75. Seeking permission to enter three times: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari that the Messenger of Allah said: “Seeking permission is three times. If you are given permission then you can, otherwise return.” [Agreed upon: 6245 - 5633]

76. Putting a chewed sweet morsel like dates in the mouth of the new born (Tahneek): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari that he said: A boy was born to me and I took him to the Prophet . He named him Ibrahim and did tahneek on him with a date and prayed for his blessing.[Agreed upon: 5467 - 5615]

77. Sacrificial feast (’aqeeqah) for the new born: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Aa`ishah that she said: The Messenger of Allah ordered us to sacrifice one sheep for a baby girl and two sheep for a baby boy.”[Ahmad: 25764]

78. Exposing parts of the body to falling rain: It is narrated on the authority of Anas that he said: Some rain fell on us whilst with the Messenger of Allah . So the Messenger of Allah took off some of his clothing until is was covered by the rain. We said: O Messenger of Allah! Why did you do that? He said: “Because it has newly come from its Lord.” [Muslim: 2083]

79. Visiting the sick: It is narrated on the authority of Thawbaan, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah , that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever visits a sick person continues to be in the khurqa of Paradise.” It was said, “O Messenger of Allah! What is the khurqa of Paradise?” He said: “Its harvest.” [Muslim 6554]

80. Smiling: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Dharr that he said: The Messenger of Allah said to me: “Never belittle anything from good deeds even if you meet your brother with a smiling face.” [Muslim 6690]

81. Visiting one another for the sake of Allah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “A man visited a brother of his in another town and Allah appointed an angel to guard him on his way. When he came to him, the angel said, ‘Where are you going?’ He said, ‘I am going to a brother of mine in this town.’ He said, ‘Do you have some property with him that you want to check on?’ He said, ‘No, it is only that I love him for the sake of Allah Almighty.’ He said, ‘I am the messenger of Allah to you to tell you that Allah loves you as you love this man for His sake.’” [Muslim6549]

82. Annoucing one’s love for one’s brother: It is narrated on the authority of al-Miqdaam bin Ma’deekarab that the Prophet said: “If one of you loves his brother, let him inform him that he loves him.” [Ahmad 16303]

83. Suppressing yawns: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Yawning is from the Devil. If one of you yawns let him suppress it as much as possible, as when one of you goes ahhh, the Devil laughs.” [Agreed upon: 3289 - 7490]

84. Benefit of the doubt and thinking well of others: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: “Beware of suspicion, Indeed suspicion is the most untruthful of speech.” [Agreed upon: 6067 - 6536]

85. Helping one’s family with housework: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said: I asked ‘Aa`ishah what the Messenger of Allah used to do in the house. She said: “He used to help with the housework and when it was time to pray he would leave for the prayer.”[al-Bukhari: 676]

86. Prophetic pratices of the natural human state (fitra): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that he said: The Messenger of Allah said: “The natural human constitution are five [or five things are from the natural human constitution]: circumcision, shaving the pubic hairs, plucking the armpit hairs, trimming the nails and shortening the moustache.” [Agreed upon: 5889 - 597]

87. Caring for orphans: It is narrated on the authority of Sahl bin Sa’d that the Prophet said: “I and the carer of the orphan are like this in paradise.” He demonstrated with his finger and middle finger. [al-Bukhari: 6005]

88. Avoiding anger: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man said to the the Prophet : “Advise me.” He said: “Don’t get angry.” He repeated it a number of times. He said: “Don’t get angry.” [al-Bukhari: 6116]

89. Crying out of the fear of Allah: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said: “Seven Allah will shade on the day there will no shade but His shade…[from them]…a man who remembers Allah in solitary and his eyes overflow with tears.” [Agreed upon: 1031 - 660]

90. Chairty of posthumous effect (Sadaqa jaariyya): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: “The action of man stops when he dies except three things: continous charity, knowledge that benefits or a pious child who prays for him.” [Muslim: 4223]

91. Building mosques: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Uthmaan bin ‘Affaan that he said when he listened to the opinion of the people (which was not favorable) when he rebuilt the mosque of the Messenger of Allah : You have not been fair to me for I have heard the Messenger of Allah say: “He who built a mosque for Allah, the Exalted, Allah would build for him a house in Paradise.” Bukayr said: I think he said: “While he seeks the pleasure of Allah.” [Agreed upon: 450 - 553]

92. Flexibility in buying and selling: It is narrated on the authority of Jaabir bin ‘Abd-Allaah that the Messenger of Allah said: “May Allah have mercy upon a man who is easy going when he sells, buys and is required.” [al-Bukhari: 2076]

93. Removing harm from the road: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah said: “When a man walk in a street, finds a thorny branch on the path, puts it aside thanks Allah for it, He will forgive him.” [Muslim: 4940]

94. Charity: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever gives a sack of dates from pure earning in charity - and Allah only accepts the pure - Allah will accept it with His right and cause it to grow for it giver, just like one of you let a foal to grow, until it becomes like a mountain.” [Agreed upon: 1410 - 1014]

95. Increasing good deeds during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abbaas from the Prophet that he said: “There is no action done in days better than these” They said: “Not even jihad?” He said: “Not even jihad except a man who risks his life and wealth and returns with neither.” [al-Bukhari: 969]

96. Killing domestic lizards (wazghah): It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra who said the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever kills a domestic lizard with the first blow will have one hundred good deeds written for him, and if on the second less than that, and if on the third less than that.” [Muslim 8547]

97. Prohibition to narrate everything one hears: It is narrated on the authority of Hafs bin ‘Aasim who said the Messenger of Allah said: “It is sufficient as a sin for an individual to narrate everything he hears.” [Muslim 7]

98. Intending reward by spending on family: It is narrated on the authority of Abu Mas’ood al-Badri that the Prophet said: “If the Muslim spends upon his family expecting reward for it, it is charity by him.” [Muslim 2322]

99. Trotting (raml) during circumambulation: It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar who said: When the Messenger of Allah did the first circumambulation, he trotted for the first three and walked for the four others. [Agreed upon: 1644 - 3048]

100. Persistence on a righteous action even if small: It is narrated on the authority of ‘Aa`ishah that she said: The Prophet was asked what action is most beloved to Allah. He said: “The most constant even if small.” [Agreed upon: 6465 - 1828]


Sebenarnya saya copy-paste dr n3 my hubby beberapa hari yg lalu...Untuk peringatan didri sendiri dan kawan2 semua....semoga Allah SWT bagi hidayah buat kita utk mengamalkannya...amin.